NEWTON is an initiative to develop and integrate innovative technology-enhanced tools for teaching and learning, create new or inter-connect existing state-of-the art teaching labs and build a pan-European learning network platform to fast disseminate learning content to a wide audience in ubiquitous manner. NEWTON focuses on novel solutions and practices which involve multi-sensorial generation and multi-modal delivery and display of content, and personalisation and adaptation of content creation, distribution and presentation in order to increase user perceived quality of service, improve learning process and increase learning outcome. The NEWTON project goals are to:
- develop and disseminate a set of new technology-enhanced learning mechanisms involving multi-modal and multi-sensorial media distribution in order to enhance both user quality of experience and learning outcome,
- develop inclusive interfaces and technology-enhanced teaching methodologies to ease system access and learning to students with different kind of disabilities,
- build a platform which will link students, educators, companies, and institutions and enable content reuse, support generation of new content, increase content exchange in diverse forms, expand existing practices, develop and disseminate new teaching scenarios, encourage new innovative businesses, etc.
- perform personalisation and adaptation for content, delivery and presentation in order to increase user perceived quality of service and improve learning process, and
- validate the platform impact and the effectiveness of the teaching scenarios in terms of user satisfaction, improvement of the learning and teaching experience, etc. and the underlying technology through an European-wide pilot. The validation through testing will be performed in the context of real-life use-cases involving most stakeholders in the technology-enhanced teaching and learning area, from content providers, innovative idea creators, technology developers, regulators, schools and teachers in a large-scale pilot
Participant No | Participant organisation name | Short Name | Type | Country |
1 (Coordinator) | Dublin City University | DCU | Academia | IE |
2 | San Pablo – CEU University Madrid | CEU | Academia | ES |
3 | National College of Ireland | NCI | Academia | IE |
4 | Brunel University | BRUNEL | Academia | UK |
5 | Slovak University of Technology Bratislava | STUBA | Academia | SK |
6 | University of Bucharest | UBU | Academia | RO |
7 | White Loop Limited | WLP | Industry | UK |
8 | Beyond | BYD | Industry | IT |
9 | QUI!Group | QUI | Industry | IT |
10 | ATOS IT Solutions | ATOS | Industry | SK |
11 | Adaptemy | ADA | Industry | IE |
12 | SIVECO Romania S.A. | SIVECO | Industry | RO |
13 | KYBERTEC | KTECH | Industry | CZ |